Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's Next?

I should have never read 'Atlas Shrugged'. There is nothing that politicians like more than "protecting" us from ourselves. Who are they to judge? I would love to meet the concerned parents that organized the assault on this manufacturer. I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't take too long to expose these people for the hypocrites that they likely are. Here is an idea; if you don't want your kid playing a bear pong video game, then don't let them buy it. I'm guessing that would involve paying attention to what your kids are actually doing and those not the ideal solution.

When little Susie gets knocked up at 18 because these people were a terrible parents I guess it is a lot more convenient to blame video games, rap music, the school system, etc. I hope this article was just planted by the company's PR department to stir up controversy, but somehow I doubt it.

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